Schmid goes on. And gets ready to get back to work

Schmid goes on. And gets ready to get back to work

A closed door does not mean a closed company. We move forward, with everyone's help and commitment.

As a result of the shutdown of all non-essential production activities in our country, also Schmid has regretfully suspended operations at its facilities in San Giuliano.

However, although we cannot visit our customers and suppliers, we pursue our fundamental objective every day, that is to make sure that the company keeps operations running.

For this reason, all our customers’ emails are read by our team, we answer every communication and, where possible, we go ahead with productions or plan the next ones. To keep assisting our customers and meeting our contractual commitments is our focus in these very uncertain times.

At Schmid we are studying all possible solutions to get ready to go back to work when the time comes.

However, to be successful, we also need all of you, customers, suppliers and agents, to continue to be committed to this cause just like in recent weeks.

A closed door does not mean a closed company. Let’s go on with everyone’s help and commitment. Thank you!

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