Stretch becomes precious

Stretch becomes precious

Stretch is lurex, stretch is satin, stretch is glitter, sequins and skin effect.

Stretch fabrics and evolution’s become more and more precious and refined in Schmid’s hands.

Our offer has enriched enormously and its wide range of effects and color palette contributes in making this textile suitable also for the most valuable accessories.

Sophisticated colors such as copper, silver or powder pink, but also the classic black, grey, dark blu, white and cream create reflections and light-games thanks to its process tecniques  able to enrich textile at every touch.


The reusult of a constant research and innovation, Schmid’s stretch are able to transform  the concept of this type of fabric, upgrading it to a luxury one. Its use becomes wider, giving to whom chooses it for their creations  a comfortable, ductile and precious  textile at the same time.


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